You're one of the most successful comedians(喜剧演员) in the world. You've built your career on comedy. I'm curious(好奇的), what made(使) you want to do a more serious role? Just to show growth(增长). I think with anything in life, you always want to progress(前进). Having the opportunity to step(走) outside my comfort(舒适) zone(地区) of comedy and making(使) a segue into what can be considered the world of dramatic acting.
But they're in the way to where my following(下列事物) can be a part of the journey of me eventually(终于) going over there. This was a baby step. This is a more dramatic(戏剧的) role, but there's still some comedy undertone to it, very personable, grounded, authentic(可信的). But just so I don't have the chops(砍) to do it. So the movie after this one will then be one that can be another level past this one. It can be a little more serious.
But my fan base(基础) would have seen this one and said, "Okay(好), wow, we know that you can do it. We believe that he's going over here. Oh, I'm curious to see how he is in this one too." So do you set(设置) 10-year goals, 5-year goals? 100 percent(百分之…), really? 100 percent. I think you have to. With anything that you're doing because that's your reward(报答).
Seeing that you can say things and watch those things become your reality(现实), is what puts you in a position to just keep going. Once(一旦) you see, "Oh, wow, I said I was going to do this and I did it, and now that I'm here, I'm not done. I'm going to set five new goals." I can't wait to achieve these and have the same conversation with myself in years to come. It's just always, it's playing a game with your own mental(智力的), I think, and that's why I love writing things down. That's why I love the vision(视) board. That's why I love team meetings and conversation.
There's just nothing bad that can come out of them. It's only an upside(优势), no pun intended( 想要) for the movie. I've been doing comedy and acting for years, but when I stepped on the set and I was with Brian Cranston and Nicole Kidman, regardless(不顾一切地) of my level of success or my star, I was a sponge(海绵). I was willing(愿意的) to soak(浸) up as much information as possible. I was listening, I was watching, and pretty much taking away whatever(任何) I could from the moment of working(使工作) with these two unbelievable( 难以置信的) people. This is an amazing actress and an amazing actor.
These are both there at the top of their games. They're of the elite(<法>[集合名词]精华). So the fact that I'm in that company, I want to make sure that I put myself in the best position to be in the conversations that they're in in years to come. The path(道路) of your career is a really interesting one because you actually hit it big pretty early. You were in a Judd Appetown TV show, which I think people aspire(渴望) to. And then Hollywood(好莱坞) just kind of stopped working(使工作) for you.
You went on the road and started doing comedy and working your way back up and becoming big. And then when you came back to Hollywood, totally(完全地) different Kevin Hart(雄赤鹿) at that point. 100%. I did the show that I worked with Judd. And while working, while working with Judd, I found(找到) that it's so amazing to create. But I was like(喜欢), this is not enough.
I'm not going to be able to take care of myself. I'm not going to be able to feed myself. So I made a decision to go and focus on stand-up comedy. I said, I know this is here, but I can't just wait by the phone. I need to go put myself in a position where I can create, where I can be active. So I wanted to do stand-up comedy.
I said, I want to focus on my stand-up comedy. Over the course of like three and a half, four years, I built my fan base up. My fan base was now selling out all shows. So now I don't have to do comedy clubs because now I can do little theaters. Now I've built all of this up by just being persistent(固执的) and saying, I don't have time as I don't mind. So this whole time you're making these tours, is Hollywood calling you also?
Or are you starting to? And did you turn down work that would have brought you back? Well, it wasn't like I was turning down a crazy amount of work because it wasn't coming in. All right. So you were able to stay focused? I was not only focused.
I was just determined(坚决的) to make(使) you realize what I am.