First, let me tell you that language is very important. I was born(承担) in a normal(正常的) family and I'm not a good(好处) at schooling. Of course, I tried to study hard, but as a boy, you know, my school was not that(那么〔大、多等〕〔尤指通过手势比画来表示大小、数量等〕) good at that(那么〔大、多等〕〔尤指通过手势比画来表示大小、数量等〕) time. So I failed(失败) looking for jobs, looking for joining university, joining good schools. But I never give up. But let me tell you another thing.
Language is so important. It helped me a lot. Because of artificial(人工的) intelligence(智力), in the future, you don't, people say, "I don't need to learn(学习) English or Russian(俄罗斯的) or Japanese(日本人)." Something a chipper here can translate( 翻译) quickly. No, it's not about language. It's about the culture.
When you learn the other language, you start to understand the other culture. You start to appreciate(欣赏), respect(尊敬) the other culture. When you appreciate, respect the other culture. You will be respected and appreciated by the others. Then you can work(使工作) together. I learned my English by myself(我自己) when I was a child.
I never got one-day English training(训练) class outside(在外面(的)) China(瓷器). But I think I understand Western( 西方的) culture much better than those Chinese students study outside. Because I'm not learning language. I'm learning culture. When you respect the other culture, when you appreciate the other culture, it's easy to make friends. If you don't like the other culture, you will never make friends.
If you don't have friends, how can you do business? So, I would say, language helped me a lot. But most things helped me with my respect for the different cultures. If you speak good English, that doesn't mean you will do global(全球的) business, right? Mao Zedong does not speak English. Nixon did not speak Chinese.
But these two guys(家伙) made a global(全球的) deal(买卖). China and the US are working together. It's the vision(视). It's the belief(相信) that you have that changed the world. If you have to do everything with a translator(译者), no good. Of course, sometimes you have to, right?
But if you can't understand a language that can communicate(通讯), it's easy for you to communicate, easy to understand and be understood. Thank you and always focus(使集中) on the things that you are good at. Focus on the things that you love.