Tell me, have you seen any perceptible(可察觉的) change in India, apart(相隔) from the traffic when you came last time? Apart from the traffic. Apart from the traffic. You know, it's interesting, so I guess the first time it came to India was about 11 years ago. I don't know that I have seen perceptible changes of Vindigrate magnitude(大小). The thing, what I would actually say is that I notice there are certain things that seem to me to be the same.
And I love those things. One of the things I notice every time I come here is that there is so much energy here and dynamism and color. The word I would use for it is the whole place seems so full of life. And everywhere you go, every single thing you do, and the diversity(差异) of India. When I come here, I've never seen a more diverse(不同的) place. Everywhere I travel in the world, nowhere more diverse than India.
So the energy, self(自己)-improvement(改进). Every time I come here, I find that the people that I talk to are focused on and interested in being better tomorrow than they are today. Everybody here seems to be focused on self-improvement. Did you think online retail(零售) would get this big? Oh, no. So, you know, when I started Amazon, it was 25 years ago.
I started Amazon in 1994. When I went to seek(寻找) investors( 投资者), the first question I had to answer is, what is the internet? None of my investors had ever heard of the internet. And the idea that I had in mind was to build a bookstore. I realized that we could build a store which would have every book ever printed in any language, in print(印刷) or out of print(印刷). And we could do that online.
It would be impossible in a physical store. That was the founding idea of Amazon. But did I expect what would happen today? No, you know, we started, I've been at Amazon when it was one person, me, when it was 10 people, when it was 100 people, when it was 1,000 people. And today, when it's, you know, more than 700,000 people and approaching(向…靠近) 70,000 people just here in India. So, no, I did not predict that.
And actually, I think if anybody had predicted that, they would have needed to be immediately institutionalized in a mental(智力的) facility(设施). Because it's not a normal thing to have happen. My dream when I started Amazon was that one day we might be able to afford(担负得起…) a forklift. So, it's been a very fun journey for me. And by the way, I still tap(轻敲) dance into work. I'm having so much fun.
Is there anything you don't sell on Amazon? Anything we don't sell? Or anything you tried to sell and didn't work? Anything you decided not to go to? The things we tried to sell that didn't work, we tried to sell a phone called the Fire Phone. And we worked on it for four years and no one bought it.
I think my mother bought one. And I don't think she was that(那么〔大、多等〕〔尤指通过手势比画来表示大小、数量等〕) happy with it. But no, there are things we deliberately( 故意地) don't sell. We don't sell guns. We don't sell tobacco(烟草). There are things we don't sell that we make(使) deliberate(深思熟虑的) decisions about.
But other than those things, we try to sell everything that anyone might want to buy. And we're trying to make it as convenient(方便的) as possible for people. You know, in the early 21st century, we're all busy. Everybody in this room is busy. And if you can save people time, let them spend more time with their families and with their friends and doing the things that they really enjoy, then you're doing them real service. Most of the people here, Jeff, are from, lots of them, I see, are from the film industry.
And it was very heartening when Amazon started creating original content( 满意). So we don't think of our films as just products. So there's a very clear demarcation. Some of them think we do a film for the creative fun of it, for the artistry(艺术性) of it. Or, yeah, this one is for business. We don't look down upon( 在…上面) it, but we clearly demarcate it.
So we know this girl, this boy, artist, we won't make the money. This one is for money. Now you are into original content. The company is into original content in a big way. What's your stance(姿态) on it? Are you still that person who says, no, I'm going to do this for the creativity(创造力), the artistry?
Forget the business? No, I'm doing this only for the business. Or is it a mix(混合) of both? And you say, just put on lots of stuff(材料), let someone come on the store and find whatever(任何) they want. I think this is a great question. It's actually something we debate(辩论).
If you look at the very best things in the world, they do both. And I think this is a golden(金色的) age of television. So when you look at TV series today, the really good TV series are, in terms of quality, they're as good as the very best movies have ever been. And now you're getting the best storytellers(说故事的人) to come do television. You're getting the best actors to now come do television. We're one of the great storytellers that's right here.
Thank you for the help. Thank you. And this is a big deal(买卖) when you can get the very best people. Because this is one of those businesses where the viewer(观察者) is always looking for something a little fresh. And so you can never find a formula([数] 公式).